Struggling with product information is certainly familiar to many online retailers. Problems can arise from fragmented information, multiple spreadsheets and language versions, as well as a product range that is constantly changing. PIM makes all this a thing of the past.
Product information management (PIM) is a solution for easy and centralized organization of product-related information. PIM can be used to manage technical product information, marketing texts, videos, manuals, and imagery, especially when the content is distributed across multiple channels.
One of the most difficult but also most important parts of eCommerce is producing and maintaining quality content. Therefore, real-time and centralized product information management is extremely important in eCommerce. With PIM, you can save hundreds of man-hours while improving the customer’s shopping experience online and in the store.
Akeneo PIM takes care of delivering enriched product information to the right place at the right time, without manual work. Centralized product information management makes it easy and quick to react to changes in the product range and other changing situations. Optimally, entire steps can be eliminated – for example, PIM allows the integration of product data management between retailers and importers, which means that product data can be updated in one go in your systems and the retailer’s. At the same time, you ensure that the product information doesn’t change or become distorted along the way.
2. Consistent, rich product information ensures good search engine visibility (SEO)
Search engines and customers appreciate rich and truthful product information that is easily accessible regardless of the channel. Up-to-date product information reinforces the trustworthiness of your eCommerce, ensuring that customers prefer your eCommerce over others. Product information is crucial in digital commerce – if the information needed cannot be found in your shop, a search engine will redirect the customer to a competitor who has the information.
In principle, all modern eCommerce systems support internationalization, but the benefits of a PIM solution are particularly important when you operate in multiple markets, sell to different target groups, or when you need to access product information across multiple channels or languages. With PIM, you can manage multiple locations, languages and transactions seamlessly, resulting in a much shorter time-to-market.
Pinja provides solutions for product information management in a centralized and cost-effective way. Discover the Akeneo PIM product information management system: Akeneo PIM product information management
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