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Hanna Salonen

I am a knowledge utilization professional with twenty years of experience in the IT industry and knowledge-based management. The most important thing for me is that the goal set together with the customer is realized, the solution is long-lasting and easy and pleasant to use. My free time is spent e.g. with family, versatile exercise and nature.

03 October 2024

Why are more educational institutions using Microsoft Fabric?

03.10.2024 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

Released in 2023, Microsoft Fabric has revolutionized data warehousing and reporting in several organizations. Many educational institutions have also migrated to or are planning to migrate to Microsoft Fabric. The...

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Hanna Salonen Hanna Salonen
22 August 2024

A knowledge management budgeting tool improves efficiency when Excel is no longer enough

22.08.2024 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

Budgeting is at the core of every organization, but practices around it vary widely. More often than not, budgeting is considered an entity that’s separate from other operations. The organization may use heavy budgeting...

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Hanna Salonen Hanna Salonen
14 June 2024

The NextGen project aims to reduce and prevent waste using data – it is based on a predictive model implemented by Pinja

14.06.2024 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

Every year, the EU produces more than 58 million tons of food waste. The key benefits of cutting down on waste are the reduction of environmental load and the economic benefits in terms of saving raw materials and human...

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Hanna Salonen Hanna Salonen
15 March 2023

Changing from Qlik to Power BI

15.03.2023 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

Many companies are currently considering switching from Qlik to Power BI, as QlikView is soon to be replaced by Qlik Sense. With a product change in the pipeline, a complete overhaul of reporting may also be in order:...

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Hanna Salonen Hanna Salonen
14 December 2022

Knowledge management – How to use data more effectively

14.12.2022 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

If there is a problem with the use of data, it is usually due to one of these two situations. A typical situation is that data is either not used at all or is difficult to use, and reports are often compiled manually....

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Hanna Salonen Hanna Salonen
25 October 2022

Machine learning significantly improves the accuracy of business forecasts

25.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence, Digital business

The use of AI in predicting and managing business has been discussed for a long time, but so far it has been more talk than action. We are now in a transformational phase, where machine learning is increasingly...

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Hanna Salonen Hanna Salonen
19 October 2022

A summary on why a data warehouse is such an important part of knowledge management

19.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

The most sustainable and cost-effective solution for knowledge management is to create a data warehouse (DW) between systems and reporting. A data warehouse is often perceived as something that’s expensive to make and...

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Hanna Salonen Hanna Salonen
02 December 2021

User-centric reporting is an effective way to communicate

02.12.2021 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

There is a lot of talk about user-centric reporting, but what does it mean in practice? How do you ensure the user-friendliness of your reports? It all starts at the report design and definition stage, as you need to...

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Hanna Salonen Hanna Salonen
23 November 2021

Towards working with information – why and how?

23.11.2021 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about big data, and companies have also realized its importance. When data is transformed into information, and people start to act and make decisions based on the right...

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Hanna Salonen Hanna Salonen