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Jesse Ikola

I work at Pinja as a data security expert and technical project manager. What I enjoy most about my job is that I get to act as an interpreter at the interface between technical experts and clients. I spend my free time with my family, and I also have a passion for martial arts such as Han Moo Do and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

10 April 2024

The NIS2 Directive tightens cybersecurity management – is your organization ready?

10.04.2024 | Pinja Blog | Software development

The updated NIS Directive of the European Union strengthens security practices within the EU. The Directive defines obligations for cybersecurity and the reporting of related incidents. The new NIS2 Directive enters...

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Jesse Ikola Jesse Ikola
20 September 2023

What you need to know in the manufacturing industry about the DevSecOps operating model Pick our four tips for your organization

20.09.2023 | Pinja Blog | Software development

The term DevSecOps is rapidly becoming commonplace and taking over the more traditional DevOps – and for good reason. DevSecOps highlights the fact that today’s data security can no longer be a separate work step, but...

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Jesse Ikola Jesse Ikola