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Pirita Arkkola

I work at Pinja as a front person in the marketing team, and am responsible for digital marketing, with its technical nuances. My main role, in addition to keeping our team upbeat, is to ensure that we support the sales of our business areas through marketing – how we reach and win ideal clients. In my spare time, I jog with our sheltie, play padel and also floorball.

16 February 2024

Remote work in Spain – what is teleworking abroad like?

16.02.2024 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

Working remotely in the Spanish sun at the darkest time of the year has been on my mind for a long time. So when the opportunity arose to go to Spain for a month with my friend, my response was “When do we go?”

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Pirita Arkkola Pirita Arkkola
22 March 2019

Get this (lan) party started!

22.03.2019 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

The annual Pinja LAN party started out with a bang last Friday in Jyväskylä with building our own computers. Everyone at Pinja can come hang out at the LAN party – this year we hosted local players from Tampere as well...

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Pirita Arkkola Pirita Arkkola
26 June 2017

What is a coded mystery room like?

26.06.2017 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, Software development

Labday is one of the cornerstones of creativity in our business. During a Labday, employees are allowed to write code for their own pastime projects or familiarise themselves with interesting technologies. In fact, as...

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Pirita Arkkola Pirita Arkkola