The Renewable Energy Directive III – or RED III – entered into force on 20 November 2023. It sets new conditions for the production and consumption of renewable energy in the EU, and replaces the previous RED II...
Read the article →More attention will be paid in the future to the origin and production of materials used in energy production, as well as the environmental impact of transport. This is also demonstrated by the new RED III Directive on...
Read the article →Self-service has brought flexibility to waste collection, but the use of multiple channels and self-service stations makes effective information management harder. The software, which can be integrated with various cash...
Read the article →The circular economy sector is undergoing a major transformation: requirements are increasing from the authorities, as well as the parties bringing the waste, while technological solutions are evolving and offering new...
Read the article →In the circular economy, business is a constant balancing act between profitability and regulatory obligations. The profitability of the business is traditionally based on the volume of materials, so the processing...
Read the article →In 2021, a new waste act came into force and the topic has been subject to much debate, both in public and at coffee tables. The new obligations brought changes for the industry, and there are other reforms on the way,...
Read the article →Traditionally, inventory management in a circular economy facility has been carried out using a combination of a weighing system and Excel, which may have been sufficient so far. However, with the entry into force of...
Read the article →Circular economy operators are increasingly required to report to a wide range of stakeholders, which requires companies to keep accurate records. The reform of the Waste Act added to the challenge – as more detailed...
Read the article →The annual YLVA reporting, which is mandatory for operators in the circular economy, is especially challenging due to the fragmentation of information and the amount of manual work involved in compiling the reports. The...
Read the article →As the turn of the year approaches, reporting in the YLVA system is once again a topical issue for every circular economy operator under an environmental permit. Finnish legislation requires that annual waste data on...
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