Are you looking for the optimal integration solution for your organization? Read our guide on utilizing integration platform and services

When it comes to integrations, organizations can start from very different places with varying needs. Integration platform or integration service may offer a solution if your needs include for example managing increasing volume of data, gaining better understanding of the big picture of your business, reliable decision making or meeting the increasingly tight reporting requirements. 

This guide will dive into the key differences between integration platform and integration service as well as the value provided by them. We focus on how integration platform and integration services can meet changing needs and support development of digital business.

Our guide answers for example the following questions:

  • What should you consider when choosing an integration solution?
  • What are the key differences and benefits of integration service and integration platform?
  • How are the two different based on cost efficiency, technical adaptability, and resourcing?
  • When is it beneficial to utilize an outside partner in executing an integration solution?
  • What kind of integration solutions is it possible to create with a partner?

Download our free integration guide to support exploring your integration needs.