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Petteri Väisänen

I lead Pinja’s BI unit, where we enable our clients to be truly data-driven. The most important thing about my job is the spirit and the work ethic of our team. I enjoy my free time with my family, where the spirit of doing is also very much present. In addition, boardsports and, actually, all sports are close to my heart.

16 October 2019

Knowledge-based management of production enables quick and efficient response

16.10.2019 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence, Production development

If the information required for management is dispersed between different locations and strongly personalized, it prevents efficient knowledge-based production management.

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Petteri Väisänen Petteri Väisänen
08 October 2019

The weekly production meeting is about to begin and the reports are not ready – Does this sound familiar?

08.10.2019 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence, Production development

Static, throwaway reports fail to serve achievement of common objectives, active development of operation and knowledge-based management.

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Petteri Väisänen Petteri Väisänen
24 September 2019

There is still room for improvement in the reporting of industrial companies

24.09.2019 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

In recent years, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) that has fascinated and revolutionized the sphere of industry has also influenced reporting.

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Petteri Väisänen Petteri Väisänen