For example, in the area of energy and circular economy, the pulling together of various operators brings indisputable benefits.
Read the article →"Recently, I started work as a developer for the Evondos® medication dispensing service system. I find this very meaningful work in many ways”, says Minna Lehtomäki. As a software designer, my duty is to analyze...
Read the article →In the manufacturing industry, a digital twin is an instrument that enables us to prepare for situations and address problems.
Read the article →The legislative amendments bring new developments to actors in the field of circular economy and bioenergy.
Read the article →The amendments will enter into force with a tight schedule and the companies are expected to meet the requirements established already after the turn of the year. In many companies, compliance with the requirements...
Read the article →The business models of circular economy require a lot from logistics and the entire basis for business is lost if material management is inefficient and resources are wasted.
Read the article →Harri Inkiläinen started at Pinja in 2014 as head of the Hollola office; his current retirement was preceded by a fascinating five-year period that enriched his career in many ways. The new head of the Hollola office,...
Read the article →Utilization of ecosystems, earlier called clusters, is a common denominator for globally successful businesses. “Networking and knowledge-sharing companies; that is, functioning ecosystems and innovation, are vital for...
Read the article →Pinja’s task force attended IglooConf, now taking place for the third time, to listen to Azure stories. The two-day event is organized by Finland Azure User Group featuring presentations by international speakers on the...
Read the article →Would you like to work with a robot? A questionnaire published in Finland in summer 2018 asked Finns exactly this question. A third of respondents then affirmed that a robot was a pleasant workmate. I stopped to think...
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