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25 November 2022

The main objective of the Pinja Tech Meetups is to share knowledge

25.11.2022 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, Software development

Pinja takes into account the personal development of each employee and the collective development of the work community in many ways. Therefore, information is shared in a variety of ways, and efforts are made to bring...

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26 October 2022

Pinja Azure Academy training gives you a good start on the path to becoming a software developer

26.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, Software development

The Pinja Azure Academy is a 2–3 month training course organized by Pinja, which provides eager learners with the basics of Azure-based software development, both in theory and in practice. A good percentage of those...

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25 October 2022

Machine learning significantly improves the accuracy of business forecasts

25.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence, Digital business

The use of AI in predicting and managing business has been discussed for a long time, but so far it has been more talk than action. We are now in a transformational phase, where machine learning is increasingly...

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20 October 2022

Low-code application development revolutionizes programming with its speed, ease and versatility

20.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Digital society, ICT services, Software development, Digital business

Low-code application development is already commonplace for global business giants, but in Finland, people are just slowly getting acquainted with the low-code way of creating new applications. The term refers to a...

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19 October 2022

A summary on why a data warehouse is such an important part of knowledge management

19.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

The most sustainable and cost-effective solution for knowledge management is to create a data warehouse (DW) between systems and reporting. A data warehouse is often perceived as something that’s expensive to make and...

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13 October 2022

How digitalization is driving sustainability in practice, part 2/2 – green building to reduce emissions and promote well-being

13.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Sustainability, ICT services, Health and welfare technology, Digital business, Ecommerce, ERP

Sustainability is first and foremost about action. At Pinja, we make our biggest sustainability contributions together with our clients by driving digitalization and streamlining our clients’ businesses across a myriad...

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11 October 2022

Measuring maintenance work planning enables you to see the performed work and the work that still needs to be done

11.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Maintenance development

Measuring production from different perspectives is commonplace in many manufacturing companies, but measuring maintenance or especially the work planning related to it is less so. However, monitoring and indicators can...

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06 October 2022

How digitalization is driving sustainability in practice, part 1/2 – how to reduce energy consumption, waste, and the ecological footprint

06.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence, Circular economy and natural resources, Sustainability, Forest industry ERP

The world needs sustainable actions. Digitalization and Pinja’s solutions drive sustainability in clients’ businesses in a practical way: by reducing energy use, raw material demand, and waste, minimizing unnecessary...

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03 October 2022

Embedded Power BI reports are advanced user-orientation

03.10.2022 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence, Software development, Digital business

True knowledge management requires the ability to monitor and use data and indicators related to the core activities of the organization. Embedded Power BI reports represent the tip of the data management iceberg, where...

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15 September 2022

The term Data Lovers sums up the common identity of Pinjans

15.09.2022 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

Pinja consists of a team of top digitalization experts serving a wide range of Finnish and international customers in the areas of data collection, processing and use. The story of the Pinjans has been put into words in...

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