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24 January 2022

Why PIM? Effective product information management – everything that an online retailer needs to know

24.01.2022 | Pinja Blog | Ecommerce

Struggling with product information is certainly familiar to many online retailers. Problems can arise from fragmented information, multiple spreadsheets and language versions, as well as a product range that is...

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17 January 2022

A Sales Configurator is an efficient offer calculation tool

17.01.2022 | Pinja Blog | ERP

Sales configurators are gradually becoming salespeople’s secret weapons, which, among other things, make offer calculation faster and more consistent. In addition, they help ensure that offer calculation covers all...

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05 January 2022

Pinja enables flexible working models

05.01.2022 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

Pinja’s culture includes flexible working. In addition to flexible working hours, most jobs allow you to work from any location. Flexible working is possible because Pinja’s employees are united by customer focus, trust...

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17 December 2021

What to consider in system modernization and cloud migration?

17.12.2021 | Pinja Blog | ICT services, Software development

Are you facing challenges for business and service growth because of a technically obsolete system? Instead of developing a new system, you might consider modernizing the system that is approaching its end of life. This...

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16 December 2021

Remote working has created a solid foundation for effective distance learning

16.12.2021 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

Customer Relationship Manager Tapsa Nylander began working in the Novi team specializing in Pinja’s maintenance system solutions in the fall of 2021. There were two special features in his job when Tapsa, a veteran in...

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14 December 2021

A checklist to start measuring and monitoring production planning

14.12.2021 | Pinja Blog | Production development

Measuring the efficiency of production planning is a long-term job, but fortunately also a rewarding one. Production planning is a key business function in manufacturing companies, acting as a gatekeeper to streamlined...

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08 December 2021

Efficient information management in the energy wood supply chain answers core business questions

08.12.2021 | Pinja Blog | Forest industry ERP

Energy wood, i.e. biomass harvested from the forest and used for energy production, is a useful and topical raw material in many ways. It is a renewable and high-volume material, especially in Finland, which helps...

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03 December 2021

ERP for prefabricated house manufacturers helps manage the flow of materials, finances, and data

03.12.2021 | Pinja Blog | ERP

As in most manufacturing industries, streamlined operations, service efficiency, efficient capacity usage and fast lead times are key to operational control in the house manufacturing industry. The industry also has...

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02 December 2021

User-centric reporting is an effective way to communicate

02.12.2021 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

There is a lot of talk about user-centric reporting, but what does it mean in practice? How do you ensure the user-friendliness of your reports? It all starts at the report design and definition stage, as you need to...

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01 December 2021

The “Finnish champion” of web development works at Pinja

01.12.2021 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, Software development

Jaakko Sukuvaara works at Pinja in web development. Originally, he came to Pinja for an on-the-job training period when he studied at a vocational school, and today he works as a full-time team member on client projects.

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