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22 March 2019

Get this (lan) party started!

22.03.2019 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

The annual Pinja LAN party started out with a bang last Friday in Jyväskylä with building our own computers. Everyone at Pinja can come hang out at the LAN party – this year we hosted local players from Tampere as well...

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22 February 2019

Why is IglooConf the best cloud service event of the year for developers?

22.02.2019 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, ICT services

Pinja’s task force attended IglooConf, now taking place for the third time, to listen to Azure stories. The two-day event is organized by Finland Azure User Group featuring presentations by international speakers on the...

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28 January 2019

Impressions from SymfonyCon 2018

28.01.2019 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, Software development

The office environment was replaced with sunshine when our small team flew to Lisbon to attend the SymfonyCon conference arranged between 6 and 8 December. In addition to Jaska and myself, the team comprised two...

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01 November 2018

Major project (with Metsä Fibre) taught schedule management

01.11.2018 | Pinja Blog | Circular economy and natural resources, Sustainability

There was a spirit of consensus and all project participants carried their responsibilities in an exemplary manner. "The Äänekoski bioproduct mill project of Metsä Group started in 2015, for my part, just before...

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09 October 2018

IBM Domino – 30 years of agile application development. What next?

09.10.2018 | Pinja Blog | ICT services, Software development

Domino is IBM’s server platform enabling quick and cost-efficient implementation of customised business applications. It offers a secure, fault-tolerant and scalable platform for all types of applications running on...

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05 October 2018

Technology event production – behind the scenes

05.10.2018 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

What follows when the HR Manager and Production Manager of an IT company – while taking a sauna bath – get an idea of an event lasting throughout the weekend? One at which our experts share their competencies first...

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24 September 2018

Are robots nice workmates?

24.09.2018 | Pinja Blog | Industrial digitalization, Digital society, Digital business

Would you like to work with a robot? A questionnaire published in Finland in summer 2018 asked Finns exactly this question. A third of respondents then affirmed that a robot was a pleasant workmate. I stopped to think...

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21 May 2018

Lessons from Microsoft TechDays – In what direction will tools and platforms develop?

21.05.2018 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, Software development, Digital business

The conference included many expert presentations, such as Iris Classon’s interesting and illustrative presentation on migrating .NET project to .NET Core.

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27 February 2018

From bartender to code creator – Can this happen?

27.02.2018 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

It is almost three o’clock at night between Saturday and Sunday when Markku digs his home keys from his pocket returning from work at the end of an evening shift. It is dark and quiet at home – his family have already...

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09 January 2018

Lessons learnt in Romania: a fresh wind for the symfony php framework

09.01.2018 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

SymfonyCon is an international annual event organised by SensioLabs, creator of the Symfony PHP framework. The purpose is to share information about Symfony’s new features, good development methods as well as its...

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