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24 October 2017

Are you ready for the new reporting requirements of energy production?

24.10.2017 | Pinja Blog | Circular economy and natural resources

The change will affect e.g. the subsidy scheme for forest chips from small diameter trees and sturdy wood.

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22 August 2017

Digital transformation takes away even code creator jobs

22.08.2017 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, Digital society, Software development

In the future, there will be enough jobs for those who are capable of renewing themselves.

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26 June 2017

What is a coded mystery room like?

26.06.2017 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, Software development

Labday is one of the cornerstones of creativity in our business. During a Labday, employees are allowed to write code for their own pastime projects or familiarise themselves with interesting technologies. In fact, as...

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15 June 2017

How can an SMS company protect itself against blackmailing?

15.06.2017 | Pinja Blog | ICT services

WannaCry locks out the file management of the workstation, including important business documents and images.

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19 May 2017

Roni’s successful traineeship: Permanent job earned

19.05.2017 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

A majority of students of JAMK (Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences) and the University of Jyväskylä who have carried out their training periods at Pinja have remained in the house with a permanent job.

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24 April 2017

Four key learning points for managers on Nordea’s service interruption

24.04.2017 | Pinja Blog | Software development

On Sunday, 23 April 2017, Nordea’s customers had a banking service interruption lasting approximately 11 hours.

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16 March 2017

7 reasons to use Google Data Studio in Ecommerce solutions

16.03.2017 | Pinja Blog | Ecommerce

Tracking site analytics is very often a pretty confusing thing. Data divided into multiple tabs and several different sections is not only difficult to compile, but even more difficult for the average person to...

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01 March 2017

Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento 2) – Benefits and Modern Opportunities

01.03.2017 | Pinja Blog | Ecommerce

Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento 2) is a popular e-commerce platform tailored for growth-focused businesses. Thanks to its open-source foundation, it is highly customizable and scalable, allowing seamless integration of...

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09 February 2017

Ecommerce of services? Why not!

09.02.2017 | Pinja Blog | Ecommerce

Information retrieval has has almost entirely moved to the internet. Many of us know that it is worth determining the usage value of any new purchase using the internet. The internet is used for seeking not only...

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08 February 2017

Experience is everything in eCommerce

08.02.2017 | Pinja Blog | Ecommerce

The success of an eCommerce site depends a lot on the user experience it creates. When finding, comparing and buying products is easy and the user is not overwhelmed by information, the online store is remembered in a...

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