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23 September 2024

The Business Intelligence Specialist combines the job description of a data specialist and a data engineer: “It’s not just hard technical work”

23.09.2024 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

Juho Virtanen has developed into a multi-talented data scientist in Pinja’s Business Intelligence team. Working as a Business Intelligence Specialist and Team Leader, Juho especially appreciates the multidisciplinarity...

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12 September 2024

NIS2 also affects wood industry operators

12.09.2024 | Pinja Blog | Forest industry ERP

The EU NIS2 directive (Network and Information Security Directive) promotes cybersecurity in the EU, which means that many industries need to step up. The directive aims to create common practices to improve data...

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23 August 2024

Did you know that HCL Domino is a modern low-code development platform?

23.08.2024 | Pinja Blog | Software development

HCL Domino is the right choice when customer and business needs change rapidly, and these changes have an immediate impact on the company’s systems. For developers and organizations, these changes can require long...

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22 August 2024

A knowledge management budgeting tool improves efficiency when Excel is no longer enough

22.08.2024 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

Budgeting is at the core of every organization, but practices around it vary widely. More often than not, budgeting is considered an entity that’s separate from other operations. The organization may use heavy budgeting...

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12 August 2024

Deforestation regulation EUDR is demanding for the wood industry

12.08.2024 | Pinja Blog | Forest industry ERP

The EU’s new regulations for sustainability are impacting industries across the EU and even beyond. As a result, the wood industry is facing increasing demands to implement practices that promote sustainable wood...

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24 June 2024

Cybersecurity is more important than ever – keep your production OT networks and servers data secure in order with these tips

24.06.2024 | Pinja Blog | Industrial digitalization, ICT services

Good data security is critical to the continuity of an organization’s operations. New data security requirements, such as the NIS2 Directive, are putting additional pressure on companies to create sustainable practices...

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19 June 2024

The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and data traceability – how to meet the new requirements?

19.06.2024 | Pinja Blog | Forest industry ERP

The EU Deforestation Regulation requires a new level of data traceability for operators in the timber industry. The requirements of the regulation apply to the entire value chain, affecting businesses of all sizes, not...

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18 June 2024

On the way to the Paralympics – flexible work at Pinja enables goal-oriented sports

18.06.2024 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

Valtteri Ranua, who works as a Customer Support Specialist at the Kempele office, has been a Pinjan since 2019. In his work, he is responsible for the customer support of the Total ERP by Pinja system. In his spare...

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14 June 2024

The NextGen project aims to reduce and prevent waste using data – it is based on a predictive model implemented by Pinja

14.06.2024 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

Every year, the EU produces more than 58 million tons of food waste. The key benefits of cutting down on waste are the reduction of environmental load and the economic benefits in terms of saving raw materials and human...

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24 May 2024

The remote work week of the Business Intelligence team in Ruka – a new project manager started work in an exceptional way

24.05.2024 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

Pinja’s Business Intelligence team held a remote work week in Ruka at the end of April. A new employee, project manager Henri, was able to learn a lot of new things about the topics of his unit, and meet other Pinjans...

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