The annual YLVA reporting, which is mandatory for operators in the circular economy, is especially challenging due to the fragmentation of information and the amount of manual work involved in compiling the reports. The systems in place may not provide sufficiently accurate data for a quick compilation of the YLVA report.
However, the reporting doesn’t have to cause sweat and tears. In this blog, I will give you three tips to avoid the most common pitfalls of reporting in YLVA.
Reporting in YLVA – three tips for more effective reporting
1. Centralize and automate data management
One of the most common challenges in compiling a report in YLVA is the fragmentation of data. Current tools, such as Excel and its many spreadsheets, make it time-consuming to find and compile data. Some information may have to be collected from different parties in the supply chain, which adds to the reporting delay and makes it difficult to trace. In the absence of a systematic and reliable data management model, extreme care is required in order to report with the accuracy required by YLVA.
By centralizing and automating your data management, you save time and nerves. Smooth reporting requires careful material flow management and record-keeping – a material flow management system designed for the industry can help in this regard. Modern systems enable real-time data monitoring, automate reports and help ensure data reliability and traceability.
2. Minimize manual data transfer
When several parties are part of the supply chain and several different systems are in use, the flow of information between the different parties in the supply chain is often challenging, to say the least, or even incomplete. Often, data has to be manually transferred from one system to another, putting unnecessary strain on workers while multiplying the risk of typing errors. From the point of view of reporting in YLVA, this makes it difficult to track and verify information.
Real-time integrations between different systems streamline and speed up reporting considerably. It also enables more agile participation of different parties in the supply chain in data management. Reporting becomes more transparent when everyone has access to the right information.
A modern material management and tracking system can be integrated with other systems in use, bringing information together for you in one place and making it easier to find and interpret. As the year ends, reporting in YLVA is easy, as the data are in the system, traceable and accurate. Real-time data management also streamlines billing, sales and inventory management.
3. Don’t let valuable data go to waste
Often, reporting is done at the request of the authorities, when in reality there is real value in the data collected. Reporting can be a lot of work, which means that it can be superficial, and few people get the full benefit from the data. In the absence of real-time data, too often we have to rely on guesswork that does not provide a real overview of the business situation.
A material flow management and tracking system turns material flows and time into money. As well as streamlining the reporting in YLVA, other information useful to business can be found in the data. Real-time reporting provides the right information, at the right time, to support decision-making.
If you want to save the workload and hassle of reporting in YLVA in the coming years, you should invest in improving your reporting. Not to mention the benefits of internal reporting in terms of business profitability, efficiency and management.
Read more
Efficiency and tools for smooth reporting in YLVA
Automated and agile sustainability reporting
Electronic movement documents enhance transport management and reporting
Guide: Four perspectives on improving the management and reporting of material flows in circular economy
Flow by Pinja

Petrus Taskinen
I work at Pinja as a Business Manager in the bioenergy and circular economy business. I am responsible for handling commercial matters and maintaining customer relationships. Free time is largely spent with the family. Exercise and especially various ball sports are close to the heart.
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