Pinja consists of a team of top digitalization experts serving a wide range of Finnish and international customers in the areas of data collection, processing and use. The story of the Pinjans has been put into words in the MyPinja concept and its overarching theme of “data lovers”, which reflects Pinjans’ passion for data. In addition to the applications offered to clients, every Pinjan benefits from the data related to their work – whether it’s coding, BI expertise, client support, or cloud platform expertise.
The MyPinja concept is a summation of Pinja’s work culture and community, and the aim is to bring out the unifying and, at best, inspiring angle that unites all Pinjans. With more than five hundred digitalization professionals already working at Pinja, there is a wide range of personalities with diverse backgrounds and skills.
However, the identity of Pinjans is united by certain themes, two of which are the desire to promote a more responsible world and a passion for data. These value-based themes of workplace community and culture are now encapsulated in the term “data lovers”.
-We listen to our employees in many different ways and on many different topics. These discussions regularly reveal that employees in Pinja’s workplaces particularly value the meaningfulness of their work and the promotion of responsibility. We are genuinely improving the world by reducing waste and carbon emissions, promoting a circular economy, extending the life of machinery and improving the efficiency of social services. We are building a more sustainable world byte by byte, says Johannes Nikula, CHRO at Pinja.
Data are really what underpins everything we do. Without it, the whole IT sector could not function.
The common themes and identity factors highlight in a practical way the good drive of Pinja’s collective work and how Pinjans are working together to use data to create a more sustainable future. As the business grows, for example, there is a permanent vacancy for software engineers at both junior and senior levels.
- When, for example, a coder feels that they are doing something bigger than just code, they are on the right track, says Johannes.The idea of data lovers was born from an insight
Maija Andersson, a BI expert working at Pinja’s Tampere office, is not only a meticulous Business Intelligence expert and the foreperson of almost 15 employees, but also the person behind the term data lovers. The idea was born in the spring of 2022, when Maija took part in a LinkedIn training course arranged by her colleague working in Oulu, Account Manager Annika Korkala.
- I was inspired by the training to update my LinkedIn profile, and I wrote the term data lover, among other things, in my description. At first, it was just a personal thing for me, because I like to tinker with data. From there it jumped out into the eyes of others and started to live its own life, Maija laughs.
Processing and refining data is a big part of Maija’s job description in Pinja’s BI team, as she develops client reporting using the Power BI tool in addition to her tasks related to training and being a foreperson. Maija started as the first member of Pinja’s BI team in Tampere in early 2020, and in just a few years the team has grown significantly. In addition to the BI staff, data also play a key role in the daily work of the rest of Pinja’s staff.
- Data are really what underpins everything we do. Without it, the whole IT sector could not function. But the best thing about my job is my colleagues. We have a really good spirit in the BI team, and we’ve maintained it well, even though our team has grown rapidly. We always dare to ask for help, and we always receive it, too. What I really like about Pinja is the shared culture and the fact that employees are valued, says Maija.Pinjans make the world a better place, byte by byte
The MyPinja concept is based on the idea that Pinjans working in all different types of jobs and in different locations are part of a big, common goal. Our goal is – nothing more and nothing less than – to make the world a better place.
“Building a sustainable world byte by byte”
Building a more responsible world is first and foremost about collaboration, and this is fundamentally the case in Pinja’s workplaces. Improving sustainability one action at a time, from the core of our clients’ businesses. In their daily work, Pinjans help clients collect, compile, process, and, above all, use business-critical data. This work gives our clients more time and space to make wise, cost-effective and responsible decisions.
In the forest industry, for example, this means optimizing the value chain, in the energy and circular economy sector it means streamlining material flows, and in omnichannel trade it means making services more efficient. Pinja also helps reduce server capacity and power consumption in information systems across different sectors. In the social sector, we help professionals in their field to focus on what matters the most: client work and care. All this is done through efficient collection, processing and use of data.
“Full-hearted data lovers”
Although there are many job roles, the work of every Pinjan essentially relates to data. Not only does everyone use data related to their area of expertise, but they are also at the core of our clients’ business.
Many people work at Pinja in roles directly related to data processing, such as Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse experts in front-end, back-end and full-stack developer roles. Other staff include project managers, sales and marketing professionals, HR specialists, customer service representatives, and many more.
A close-knit work community and working towards a big common goal does not mean that everyone has to fit into the same mold. On the contrary: every Pinjan is unique, and there is room for all kinds of personalities. Everyone is a top professional in their own field, and everyone has a life outside it. Enjoyment and success at work is the result of Pinjans genuinely caring about each other, as well as the well-being and the purposeful work of all other colleagues.
Check out #datalovers content and what it is like to work at Pinja!
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Data lovers
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At Pinja, my job description was tailored to my strengths
Pinja enables flexible working models
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