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Four key learning points for managers on Nordea’s service interruption

palvelukatko_fi On Sunday, 23 April 2017, Nordea’s customers had a banking service interruption lasting approximately 11 hours.

What every manager should know about service interruptions and ensuring business continuity?

  1. Avoidance of service interruptions can be achieved with planned updates by using the latest technologies and architecture in the software development and cloud platform services. In older generation services, service interruptions are virtually unavoidable or shifting to operations without service interruptions can require remarkable investments.
  2. Ensuring business continuity must be an integral part of service design. Impressive marketing and usability design in digital services does not help much, if the action plan and organisation of service interruptions and disturbances are not in place. For example, what would have happened if Nordea had not informed of the service interruption trumpeting the matter through the media?
  3. Do you discuss business continuity in your management group? In digital services, reduction of the likelihood of unplanned service interruptions should be more or less an everyday matter. Do you have a continuously updated risk matrix for ensuring continuity? Who owns it? What resources, e.g. partnerships, are in place for exceptional circumstances?
  4. Ensuring business continuity and data security go hand in hand. Do you know why Nordea chose not to inform their customers by email? How do you make sure a good night’s sleep, that is, ensure continuity?