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LAN party – a social gathering and playing with friends

At Pinja, LAN parties are an annual tradition and an entire weekend is reserved for them. Many participants are capable of holding out through the weekend playing and hanging out with friends. Some stay in the office overnight – sleeping if they have enough patience.

Games vary from one extreme to the other. Some of the most popular games over the years include “Fistful of Frags”, a Wild West themed game, “Rocket League”, a football game played with cars, “Overwatch”, a battle game between figures with specific skills, and “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive”, a shooting game between special forces groups and terrorists. Included is also the old classic strategy game “Red Alert”.

Some new games are also introduced every year. “Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds” (Pubg), published in March 2017, will most probably take the pole position, next to the other games. It remains to be seen whether “Winner winner chicken dinner” texts will be seen on the screens.

laniporukka-1 Game on!

The general public hardly has a clue of what kind of party a “LAN party” is. For some people, it may bring to mind an image of a gloomy hall with countless displays placed next to each other providing almost the only source of light. A lot of coke, energy drinks and pizza consumed. Slept last time perhaps some 24 hours ago. And one should still continue, since the LAN party has only just started.

But let’s forget all stereotypes. What is then a LAN party? For those outside the circle, the concept of a LAN party in a nutshell is: A game event for several people who play online games with their own computers or consoles.

A LAN (Local Area Network) party is generally organised by a group of friends in the house of one of the participants. Games are played together either against each other or in groups against other online players. The number of participants may vary from a small group of friends to hundreds or even thousands of players. In the latter case, however, playing does not take place in the comfort of the players’ own homes, but the event is organised in a more spacious setting by a larger entity.

Having fun and playing all weekend

rocket_league-1 A screen shot from the game “Rocket League”.

At Pinja, LAN parties are an annual tradition and an entire weekend is reserved for them. Many participants are capable of holding out through the weekend playing and hanging out with friends. Some stay in the office overnight – sleeping if they have enough patience.

Games vary from one extreme to the other. Some of the most popular games over the years include “Fistful of Frags”, a Wild West themed game, “Rocket League”, a football game played with cars, “Overwatch”, a battle game between figures with specific skills, and “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive”, a shooting game between special forces groups and terrorists. Included is also the old classic strategy game “Red Alert”.

Some new games are also introduced every year. “Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds” (Pubg), published in March 2017, will most probably take the pole position, next to the other games. It remains to be seen whether “Winner winner chicken dinner” texts will be seen on the screens.

Playing “in a new dimension”

vr-1 VR gaming is a good exercise.
This year, a novelty is a peep into the world of virtual reality. A VR (Virtual Reality) system including games will be available at the office. VR means virtual reality which the brain changes into a realistic audiovisual experience.

Players wear VR goggles creating a world where they can look around them, grasp real items and even move around. An appropriate way of tuning into the mood of the Halloween weekend is offered by the VR horror game “A Chair in a Room: Greenwater”.

Playing has an important role in LAN parties, but even more important is being together. Even those who do not play are welcome. Since the energy level of participants must naturally be kept high throughout the entire combat, the weekend includes delicious food and drinks, as well as the traditional LAN party sauna, all offered by the employer.

Game on!

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Noora Valve

Noora Valve

I’m a part of Pinja’s marketing team where my tasks include e.g. graphic design and daily marketing activities. In addition, I work with UX/UI design and service design. In my free time, I spend time in nature and at summer cottage and read.

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