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24 May 2021

Successful ERP system procurement – Three steps to selecting a suitable ERP system

24.05.2021 | Pinja Blog | ERP

The procurement of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is often considered difficult, time-consuming and an unreasonably expensive investment. However, it is not necessarily so, if the background work, i.e.,...

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21 May 2021

What was it like to start working at Pinja as an experienced veteran in the IT field?

21.05.2021 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

I started working as a Senior Project Manager at Pinja just over a month ago. Before starting here, I have worked in the software field in various roles for over 20 years. My previous positions ranged from coder to...

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12 May 2021

What is preventive maintenance?

12.05.2021 | Pinja Blog | Maintenance development

Regardless of the industry, sudden failures often prove to be costly operations. Preventive maintenance helps prevent unplanned production downtime and the associated multiplier effects. It is also a cost-effective...

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30 April 2021

What kind of Microsoft 365 data security do you get for five, ten or twenty euros a month?

30.04.2021 | Pinja Blog | Digital society, ICT services, Digital business

Data security is like basic hygiene. Every organization should take care of it. It is one of the most significant risk factors in the daily life of a company, as in the worst case, a wrong click can cost tens of...

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29 April 2021

Remote work increases the number of hours in a day

29.04.2021 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career, Software development

Senior Software Developer Sami, who lives in the small and idyllic village of Siuro, is used to remote working. He works on the Novi by Pinja product and develops it together with the rest of the team – 100% from home....

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26 April 2021

Maintenance metrics as a tool for knowledge-based management

26.04.2021 | Pinja Blog | Maintenance development

To measure and develop maintenance and production, organizations need metrics or KPIs (key performance indicators) that are appropriate to their needs. These performance indicators ensure that actions are directed...

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22 April 2021

4 ways to increase the efficiency of material flows in the circular economy

22.04.2021 | Pinja Blog | Circular economy and natural resources, Supply chain management

The circular economy sector is growing steadily and intensifying competition requires the development of existing operating models. In a circular economy, effective management of material flows is at the heart of the...

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21 April 2021

What is a usable production planning system like?

21.04.2021 | Pinja Blog | Production development

Many software solutions are hailed as easy to use and user-friendly, but what does usability mean in practice? And what does that mean in the case of a production planning system?

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20 April 2021

A data warehouse helps you move from searching for information to working with information

20.04.2021 | Pinja Blog | Business Intelligence

The first step to knowledge management is usually to deploy a BI tool, such as Microsoft Power BI. Often, however, the needs for reporting and data analysis grow and become more complex over time, and that’s when it may...

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19 April 2021

A Business Development Manager develops the customer benefits of Pinja’s service

19.04.2021 | Pinja Blog | Pinja Career

Business Development Manager Tuomas Lappalainen is a satisfied returnee to Pinja in a new role of maintenance development tasks. Back in the day, he started as a maintenance account manager in Pinja’s organization and...

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